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Intro 874-A Becomes Law - (1/19/2010)

Intro 874-A was introduced to the City Council when it was sent to the Housing and Buildings Committee for consideration.  Upon being approved by the Committee for consideration, a hearing was held at the City Council on October 15, 2009.  Plumbers Local Union No. 1 Financial Secretary-Treasurer John J. Murphy, Trade Education Instructor John Miller and the Plumbing Foundation's Terence O'Brien testified at the hearing in its support.  Committee members unanimously voted in favor of Intro 874-A on October 28, 2009 and on that same day, it was voted on and passed by the entire City Council.  It was then sent to Mayor Michael Bloomberg who signed Intro 874-A into law on November 17, 2009.  The new law takes effect 180 days after the Mayor signed it into law.

The law amends the Plumbing Code to require that the D.O.B. develop standards that manufacturers must meet in order to use mechanical joining methods in New York City.

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