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Hurricane Sandy Information - (11/5/2012)

If you have been displaced from your primary residence as a result of Super Storm Sandy, you may be eligible for relief funds through the UA Disaster Relief Fund. Please contact Raymond Rondino, Local 1 Disaster Relief Coordinator @ (917) 843 -5803 or rrondino@ualocal1.org and have ready a copy of your FEMA Disaster Assistance Application (a photo image of the application will suffice until copy is mailed to Union Office)  and/or a photo of the damaged residence.



FEMA Information

To apply online or by phone for FEMA assistance call 1 800 621-3362

Online at:  disasterassistance.gov

Search for open shelters by texting:  SHELTER and a zipcode to 43362

To file for aid from FEMA have:

- Home/flood insurance information

- Social Security number

- Annual salary of household

- Number of people in the household

- checking account info if you want direct deposit


Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)


Have you lost work or income due to the effects of Hurricane Sandy? If so, you may be eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA).

How do I apply for DUA?

First, file for regular unemployment insurance by calling the NYS Department of Labor at 1-888-209-8124, or 1-877-358-5306 (if you live out of state). Answer the questions to indicate that you lost your job or income

as a direct result of the effects of Hurricane Sandy.

Deadline: The application deadline is December 3, 2012.

File your application with the NYS Department of Labor

as soon as possible.

Chase Union Plus Disaster Grant Program

To help our brothers and sisters struggling as a result of Hurricane Sandy, Chase is promoting a Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant program. 

The grants are available to members who have participated in the Union Plus Credit Card, Insurance or Mortgage programs for at least 12 months and who are facing financial hardship due to the disaster. To qualify members must live in a county designated by FEMA as qualifying for individual assistance, have experience a significant loss of income or property and document their loss. See more here: UnionPlus.org/Sandy<http://www.unionplus.org/disaster-relief/sandy-october-2012>;.

Important Information

United Way Sandy Recovery Fund: Contributions to the Fund will be used by local United Ways in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington, DC and West Virginia to address hurricane recovery needs in communities that FEMA has declared disaster areas. Text RECOVERY to 52000 to make a $10 donation (standard data and messaging rates may apply). https://donate.unitedwaynyc.org/page/contribute/uwsandyrecovery


Comprehensive info on applying for FEMA assistance, updates on gas shortages, warming centers and tips for cold weather, transportation (bridges, roads, subways, railways), food assistance, power outage updates, unemployment insurance and more. http://www.governor.ny.gov/

City Harvest: Donations can be made online at http://www.cityharvest.org/donate-funds/ or over the phone at
646.412.0643 between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday. To make a food donation, please contact: Racine Rodriguez at 347.443.8413 or rrodriguez@cityharvest.org.

The Met Council: Text the word SUSTAIN to 20222 and reply YES to make a $10 donation directly to Met Council. You can also easily make your gift online (www.metcouncil.org). Items that are most needed at this time include kosher food, water, toiletries, new towels, new coats, paper towels, gloves, garbage bags, and cleaning supplies.

Food Bank of NYC: The warehouse is located at Hunts Point Cooperative Market, 355 Food Center Drive Bronx, NY 10474. Phone:
718.991.4300. They need volunteers at their warehouse.

Island Harvest: If you would like to donate, please call the Emergency Food Collections Center at

Long Island Cares: Is accepting donations at The Harry Chapin Food Bank, 10 Davids Drive (Harry Chapin Way), Hauppauge, NY 11788-2039. You can also call (631) 582-FOOD or email info@licares.org.

Sustainable Long Island: You can make a donation at http://sustainableli.org/ or by calling
(516) 873-0230.


Apply for Federal Assistance


Emergency Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)

DUA is available to residents of Atlantic County, Cape May County, Essex County, Hudson County, Middlesex County, Monmouth County, Ocean County and Union County.


CDC Clean Up Guide


Protect Yourself from Mold


Union Plus $500 Grants

Union Plus Disaster Relief Grants of $500 are available to help participants in the Union Plus Credit Card, Insurance or Mortgage programs who are facing financial hardship because of recent severe weather.


Sandy New Jersey Tumblr Resources List


 Change of address for Displaced Members

Displaced Members who want to change their address with Local 1/PIB must submit a change of address form. In addition, we have included a USPS link for mail forwarding services.


 Local1/PIB Change of address form


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